Millwall FC vs Coventry City SAT, 13 AUG 2022, 15:00

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Millwall FC vs Coventry City played: SAT, 13 AUG 2022, 15:00, The Den

Please remember:
* Please, take into consideration that weekend soccer games may move between Saturday and Sunday and midweek soccer games may move between Tuesday and Wednesday, with very short notice. These changes are beyond our control and we ask that you be aware of this when making your travel plans!
* You will NEVER get any single seats. You will always get seats next to your friends, right in front or right behind your friends if you book together. This is our guarantee from us to you!
* You will always be seated among the home supporters or in a neutral zone.

Please read the information provided here carefully, as you prepare to complete your booking.

More information about available seating options and categories can be found below.

From $ 44.30


Venue info The Den.

Venue info
The Den

Venue seatingplan, The Den Venue seatingplan Venue seatingplan The Den


The Den,
Zampa Road,
London SE16 3LN

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View map, The Den

Surrey Quays & New Cross Gate

21, 53, 172

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